Learn, share, and connect with your peers about launching a candidate nurture strategy

One of the top things a recruiting team should focus on during a hiring slowdown is to build, diversify, and nurture talent pipelines, so your team can be ready to hit recruiting goals when hiring picks back up. However, it can be challenging if you don’t know where to start.

We invited Gem customers to attend a 5-week Bootcamp to equip them with knowledge and skills to kick start their nurture strategy this October, and they are back to share what they learned to uplevel skillsets and what they were able to build.

Watch this showcase from your peers and learn how to:

  • Create a talent pool strategy for your evergreen roles
  • Build and maintain your talent pool in Gem
  • Develop a lightweight content and engagement strategy
  • Operationalize your content and engagement strategy in Gem
  • Avoid some common mistakes when implementing a nurture strategy

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

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Meet Our Panelists

Elisabeth Woodfield

Technical Recruiting Manager
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Tatjana C. Andreano

Sr. Manager of Talent Research

Emily Carter

Talent Acquisition Marketing Partner

Meet Our Panelists

Camille Schulz

Senior Recruiter

Christine Messina

Technical Recruiter
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Linda Schubert

Principal Recruiter
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Nathalie Grandy

Technical Recruiting Manager
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Meet Our Speakers

Mackenzie Bartlett

Talent Sourcing Lead

Danielle Fortin

Talent Acquisition Operations

Meet the Speakers


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Hung Lee
Editor of Recruiting Brainfood

Hung Lee is the Editor of the leading industry newsletter Recruiting Brainfood. Based in London, he is an industry professional with over 15 years experience as an agency recruiter, Recruitment manager, Internal Head of Talent, recruitment trainer, founder of award-winning online recruiting platform WorkShape.io, and now Editor and Community builder at Recruiting Brainfood - the best weekly newsletter in recruitment.



Matt Tague
Director, Customer Talent Advisory
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Having previously led talent acquisition teams at Microsoft, Lyft, and LinkedIn, Matt Tague believes that working to retain and hire top talent is the single most important and productive pathway to the success of any organization. Currently the Director of Customer Talent Advisory at Gem, Matt partners with talent acquisition leaders at some of the most innovative, hypergrowth brands to leverage technology to develop effective recruiting strategies that directly impact the bottom line. 

Over 600 talent teams are using Gem to source 5x faster and gain full visibility into their talent pipeline.

Request a personalized demo and see how Gem can help you.